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心像術 療癒及淨化情緒 


在日常生活的碰撞中,相信大家都需要點支持和療癒。這個週末的退修中,體驗 24 個及調理身體和情緒療癒冥想, 抱括:

  • 教我們回歸內心的冥想,將平靜和大愛扎根在日常生活中

  • 通過不同光的意像調理自己的神經系統、器官與脈輪

  • 通過呼吸法與冥想放下焦憂慮及恐懼

  • 通過連結太陽+月亮的能量調理自己的陰陽 ... 等等



圖像 (Imagery) 的療癒效果已在現今的心理學、醫學和大學體系內已有不少研究和認可,在不同門派的靈修道路上也是個內在溝通、發展內心、直覺力、發展高我,不可缺少的工具。

7 個回家實踐的練習包括:
1. 光的漩渦 練習
2. 藏傳脈輪淨化的練習
3. 淨化昨天的日夜的練習
4. 排除焦慮和恐懼以及連接內在本質的實用練習
4. 螺旋 (費氏數列) 內在微笑的練習
5. 藏式 與 卡巴拉式 的手療練習
6. 普拉納能清洗練習






日期時間 : 3月16日-13月17日 (星期六日)
上課時間: 早上 10:00 下午 4:00

地點 : 大埔背山面海的工作室


能量交換: 正價 4,444 元
        新生體驗價 4,222 HKD

        早鳥優惠 (2月28日前) 3,999 HKD

在心像術的系統內,這個工作坊是包含第二階 《療癒及淨化情緒》的內容。每個階段可以獨立報讀,適合任何從未學習心像術的朋友參加。



- 導師介紹 -

edmund hofan.jpg

❦ 周可凡是心像術導師、 吳家太極師傅和臼井靈氣的第七代傳人。是本港第一位精讀和受權教心學園心像術系統內的所有單元, 也是全球八位受權於培訓心學園的教練之一。現今本港過半的心像術導師也曾是她學生。過去五年,她舉辨了超過十五屆的心像術退修營/課程、四屆的心像術導師培訓、兩屆臼井靈氣導師培訓與四屆綠野林 巜綠色覺者》療癒師培訓計劃。

❦ Edmund Fung
臼井靈氣第八代傳人,心像術導師,今年完成 Ron Young 老師十八個月靈性排列課程。
FB 專頁: Heart Movement 心渡

- Some intro clips -

Awakening from the illusion with heart imagery - Daniel Mitel

Awakening from the illusion with heart imagery - Daniel Mitel

Daniel is a world traveler helping people understand their intimate connection to God. He started to teach Zen Meditation in 1981 and between 1981 and 1992 he was practicing “the spinal breathing” meditation; later he found out that, in fact, he did practice the Kriya Pranayama of Kriya Yoga Great Master Babaji. Since 1996, he is teaching worldwide Meditation Day Workshop and Heart Imagery Workshops.( After couple of years spent in meditation in North of Tibet, in 1999, Daniel created “The School of the Heart”. Ten years later, in Toronto, he created “The School of Meditation”. Daniel is an Ambassador of Peace and Diplomat of Love in the Embassy of Peace. International lecturer and Martial Arts Master (Tai Chi Master and Karate Traditional Black Belt 5 DAN in WJKA – World Japan Karate Association), Daniel is dedicated to inspiring the world to move from violence to peace and from anger to love. Throughout his work, workshops and spiritual conferences, Daniel changed the life of thousands of people. Prior and after Tibetan Great Masters, Daniel worked with a group of well known Masters from different schools of meditation (Osho, Dalai Lama, Paramahansa Prajnananda, Ana, Di Yu Ming, Sadhguru, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Jasmuheen, Anastasia) who train their students to be in the Heart. Now, together with his own workshops (Meditation Day and Heart Imagery), Daniel Mitel is bringing Awakening The Illuminated Heart and Luscious Lifestyle Program workshops out to the world. By teaching all these spiritual seminars, Daniel is sharing a message of hope and possibility to anyone who wants to experience a new understanding of life; an understanding which comes from the heart. Drunvalo Melchizedek appointed Daniel in the first Council of School of Remembering: Awakening The Illuminated Heart (ATIH) Teacher’s Council. As a Mentor of Drunvalo Melchizedek’ School of Remembering, Daniel was helping and teaching ATIH teachers from all over the world. Daniel is blessed to work with children, teaching them Tai Chi and Meditation.In the last years, since he is visiting teacher in Montessori Schools, Daniel changed the life of hundreds of children through his work. Daniel has an extensive academic background: B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, B.Econ. (Hons.), Diploma in Management and MBA from Open University Business School, UK. Interviewed all over the world and constantly invited to write articles in magazines and on-line publications (Spirit of Ma’at, Collective Evolution, Vision, etc.) Daniel is one of the most prominent Master of Meditations known worldwide showing the inner power what you can achieve using your Heart’s unconditional love. Daniel’s book “This Now Is Eternity” is highly regarded as one of the best meditation and spiritual guide tool. ( now available in iBook store and KOBO)- srouce For More videos by Lilou visit Lilou Mace TV is an independent media. Your contributions and support are welcomed! Stay tuned on Lilou's Facebook and Twitter COPYRIGHT © 2014 LILOU PRODUCTIONS, INC
why HI

「 導師好有親和力,會給予學生正確的指導。會分別運用不一樣的語調次會引領我們進入一個有立體視覺畫面禪修。 發現自己可以發揮無限的潛能三有彈性有創造力,有趣,好玩。



- 學員分享 -

心像術清洗療癒營 已經超過七屆的學生。這兒是他們的分享...

「覺得可凡係一位內心表現出來的開心、活力、親切平易近人的導師。比我覺得冥想是很有趣的。  」  - 進光

「導師好有親和力,會給予學生正確的指導。會分別運用不一樣的語調次會引領我們進入一個有立體視覺畫面禪修。發現自己可以發揮無限的潛能三有彈性有創造力,有趣,好玩。」 - May

Heart Imagery retreat

「 我以前也有參加很多成長課程, 一直在口裡說要和內在小孩連結, 但成效不大, 什至有"我很累"的感覺, 接觸心像術後發覺是一個很輕易便和心連結的方法, 而且可凡是一個友善的導師和學生易於交流, 令我很容易進入狀態... 」 -Belinda Ho

meditating in sun.jpg

「可凡帶冥想是很容易 follow,也很好玩。如像去了旅行的色彩繽紛,入世者(如我)也不會悶。讓我覺得心像術是一個可以長期練習修行方法。可凡也是非常有energy 亦感受到她經驗很豐富,能connect同不同面向的人去指引修行。

一個感覺自在甚至好玩的修行/靜心/ connect方法。


「 很平易近人細心觀察他人。有種穩定和包容的感覺。覺得進入心就能愛喎治療自己自己是很有力量的。"」

- Luca

HI2 student feedback

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